
Ramky Enviro to treat wastewater generated by industries

Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited laid foundation stone for the Zero Liquid Discharge Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) in Pashamylaram, Hyderabad. Ramky Enviro has entered into a joint partnership with Pharma companies from IDA Pashamylaram to treat wastewater generated by the industries in IDA Pashamylaram, Hyderabad.

Goutham Reddy, MD & CEO, Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited, said, “Today, the world faces a water quality crisis resulting from continuous population growth, urbaniz+ation, land use change, industrialization, food production practices, increased living standards and poor water use practices and wastewater management strategies. Given the enhanced focus towards Zero Liquid Discharge, there is a dearth of capacity for CETP’s with Multiple Effect Evaporators, TSIIC and the Industries have identified the need and conceptualised a project of high need.  We are happy to be associated and to partner with TSIIC and the industries here to bring in an effective solution.    This Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) will be an environmentally friendly plant as the treated waste water will be reused by the industries to address their process requirements.”

Venkat Narasimha Reddy, Vice Chairman & MD, TSIIC, said, “there has been a demand for the secondary Effluent Treatment Plant in Pashamylaram for the industries as the previously established plant in Patanchervu is insufficient for the rising industrial needs. As a solution to this we have planned to establish the CETP with the 480 KLD. And today, we have laid the foundation stone for the CETP project which will be a joint venture between the group of Pharma companies from IDA and Ramky Enviro. The project will be operational in the coming 6 to 8 months with the help of our proud partner Ramky Enviro.”

The Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) is fully equipped to treat and recycle industrial wastewater and completely help avoid chances of illegal discharge of wastewater and reduce demand on ground water resources. The treated water can will be reused by the industries to address their process requirements. The plant has a capacity to treat 480 KL industrial wastewater daily and proposed to expand to 1000 KL per day. The project is being implemented as a joint venture (JV) between the group of pharma companies from IDA and Ramky Enviro.  Ramky Enviro will provide their technical and operational expertise in developing and operating the CETP as well will hold majority stake in the joint venture company.  The land required for setting up the plant is being provided on a lease to the industries by TSIIC.

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