Oil Ministry

India’s Russian oil imports jump 50 times; now accounts for 10% of all import
Oil & Gas

India’s Russian oil imports jump 50 times; now accounts for 10% of all import

India’s crude oil imports from Russia have jumped over 50 times since April and now make up for 10% of…
Selling diesel at ₹20-25/l loss, petrol at ₹14-18/l loss: Private retailers
Oil & Gas

Selling diesel at ₹20-25/l loss, petrol at ₹14-18/l loss: Private retailers

Selling diesel at ₹20-25 a litre below cost and petrol at ₹14-18 per litre below cost, as a result of…
Govt doubles gas price to record levels, CNG rates may go up
Oil & Gas

Govt doubles gas price to record levels, CNG rates may go up

Government more than doubled the price of natural gas that is used to produce electricity, make fertilisers, turned into CNG…
MoPNG pulled up for its reply on Reliance Gas guarantee
Oil & Gas

MoPNG pulled up for its reply on Reliance Gas guarantee

The Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has pulled up the Oil Ministry for vague replies on encashing bank guarantees of…
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