
Radiation technology for sewage treatment

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in collaboration with Amdavad Municipal Corporation (AMC), Ahmedabad has set up a Technology Demonstration Pilot Project โ€œSewage Sludge Hygienisation Plantโ€ at Shahwadi, Ahmedabad.  The plant loaded with 150 kCi of Co-60 was inaugurated in February 2019 and is in continuous operation since then.

Another liquid sludge irradiator; Sludge Hygienisation Research Irradiator (SHRI) is operating at Vadodara for radiation treatment of raw sludge containing 3-4% solids since last 30 years.

BARC has not set up any sewage plant in Maharashtra. BARC has given wide publicity to the use of radiation technology for sewage treatment.  BARC outreach programmes have been used as an effective platform to dispense information about this technology through oral presentations, animated videos, posters, demonstrations at different universities and institutions.  The technology has been also propagated in scientific and public forums through theme meetings, workshops, seminars, newsletters etc.  These efforts have resulted in wide coverage of this technology in print and digital media.

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