
Amendments in pipeline to promote EVโ€™s

In order to give a boost to Electric Vehicles in the country, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has initiated steps for providing for differential registration fees under the Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989.  For this, the Ministry has issued a draft notification dated 18th June 2019 vide Gsr 430 (E), to amend Rule 81 of CMVR. The amendment proposes to exempt Battery Operated Vehicles from payment of fees for the purpose of issue or renewal of registration certificate and assignment of new registration mark. This means that Electric Vehicles would be exempted from such registration charges.

This development comes weeks after reports of the Ministry working on a draft notification proposing to ban all the IC engine powered two-wheelers and three-wheelers in India starting 2025 for two-wheelers and 2023 for three-wheelers. It is seen as a welcome step towards transformation from fossil fuel to electric, which will also curb pollution and expedite road connectivity work in India.

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