
Super Smelters, TATA Power Renewables aim to achieve 100% green power for steel production

Super Smelters Ltd has announced a strategic partnership with TATA Power Renewables. This alliance aims to achieve 100% green power for steel production, marking a significant step towards sustainability and environmental stewardship in Eastern India.

Super Smelters Ltd, a prominent player in the iron and steel sector is renowned for its flagship brand ‘Super Shakti’. The company has gained market leadership with its Fe 550+ SD Advanced Y Ribbed TMT Bars and also produces a wide range of steel products including steel tubes and pipes, structural HR coils, and wire rods.

The collaboration with TATA Power Renewables has been formalised through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), commissioning a 5MW capacity plant dedicated to green energy. This ambitious initiative is expected to generate an impressive 1,47,014 MWh of clean energy, significantly reducing CO2 emissions in the region. The transition to green power for steel production is projected to decrease carbon emissions by up to 1,20,110 tons.

Sitaram Agarwal, Chairman & Founder of Super Smelters Limited, expressed his excitement about the project, stating, “We are thrilled to commission this solar plant that exhibits our determination toward clean energy. This project reinforces Super Smelter’s commitment to realising India’s vision of meeting 50% of energy requirements from renewables by 2030. At Super Smelters Limited, we diligently explore technologies to reduce our carbon footprint, and we have developed and implemented various energy conservation measures ranging from process re-engineering, enhanced capacity utilisation, use of higher quality fuel, heat recovery initiatives at rolling mills, replacement of conventional lighting with LED lights & others.”

Dilipp Agarwal, Managing Director of Super Smelters Limited, highlighted the significance of this partnership, “This partnership with TATA Power Renewables marks a significant milestone in our journey towards sustainable steel production. By leveraging renewable energy, we are taking a decisive step towards reducing our carbon footprint and leading the way in environmental responsibility within the steel industry.”

This initiative not only underscores the companies’ commitment to combating climate change but also aligns with India’s goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2070, as articulated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The collaboration sets a new benchmark in the industry, paving the way for a cleaner, greener future in steel production.

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