
Employment to people displaced due to Bhilai Steel Plant

Steel Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said that out of 5,684 identified as displaced families in setting up of Bhilai Steel Plant employment has been provided to 4,468 under displaced category. The minister stated that employment to one of the dependants of locally displaced persons was provided in Bhilai Steel Plant since inception as a measure of rehabilitation to the families who were displaced on account of land acquisition for establishing the Steel Plant. He said during the year 1986, the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) under the Ministry of Industry had issued guidelines vide letter dated 03.02.1986 regarding rehabilitation of locally displaced persons wherein it was specifically stated that “any  understanding formal or informal in regards to employment to one member of the dispossessed family in the project stands withdrawn”. Consequent upon this, the Management of Bhilai Steel Plant discontinued the system of calling of dependents of displaced persons for priority employment. Employment to Displaced persons in Bhilai Steel Plant, SAIL is regulated in terms of the BPE guidelines as referred above & Hon’ble Supreme Court judgments in this regard.

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