
Tata Power’s Demand Side Management programme

Tata Power’s DSM programme in Mumbai is a multi-dimensional, holistic and technology driven approach with focus on capacity building of the consumers towards energy management. Demand Side Management (DSM) initiatives have always been unique offerings from the Utility considering that they always work behind the meter i.e. for end-user energy management. As a responsible corporate and India’s largest integrated power utility, Tata Power stays committed towards conservation and efficient use of energy by its consumers. Today, the company, is recognized as a torchbearer for its consumers by proactively conceptualizing and promoting various Demand Side Management (DSM) programs which benefit them substantially. It has been an integral part of the services offering of Tata Power.

The higher peak demand forced DISCOMs to buy costly power to meet the peak resulting into tariff shocks. DSM was introduced by the Regulatory Commissions to offset the increasing gap between the base load & peak load. Regulators encouraged utilities to design new DSM programs and promote the same to the consumers. The initiatives were duly evaluated and adequately funded by the regulator to ensure its success.

Tata Power initiated DSM by adopting comprehensive analysis of the hourly demand consumption of various consumer categories to identify set patterns and establish footprints & signatures. These findings were further evaluated & analysed with the experts to design wide range of DSM programs such as:

  • Energy Conservation Program: Appliance Exchange/New Purchase Ceiling fans, Refrigerators, Split ACs and LED Tube Light program (mainly for Residential Consumers); Standard Offer Program (for big industrial and commercial consumers)
  • Energy Diagnosis Program: Energy Audit Programs (for industrial and commercial consumers)
  • Energy Shift Program: Thermal Energy Storage programs and Demand Response Programs (for big industrial and commercial consumers)
  • Net metering facility for customers with installed Rooftop Solar PV in their premises (within the regulatory framework)
  • Safety awareness programmes

Besides this, Tata Power has also acted as the facilitator of the DELP (Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme) of the Government of India on the economic model which was revenue-neutral. One of the benefits of DSM programs is that consumers can efficiently supervise, control and manage their electricity consumption thereby contributing towards protecting the environment. It also offers various incentives for all the aforementioned DSM programs in order to promote adoption of better energy management practices and negotiates with the appliance manufacturer to ensure bulk discount apart from the handsome rebate (up to 50% of MRP on the efficient products availed under the program).

Tata Power performs an Energy Audit at a concessional rate for their consumers. Similarly, a rebate has been given under Demand Response and Thermal Energy Storage Schemes based on the energy use reduced. Thus, apart from the savings reflected in the electricity bills, consumers also receive additional monetary benefits from Tata Power. Together with the utility and customers, along with energy service companies or trade allies, Tata Power continues to explore options to increase efficiency of energy utilisation and provide support for implementing appropriate solutions. Each program is well aligned with Tata Power’s belief of consuming energy in a responsible, economical and environmentally sound manner and implemented under the ‘Be Green’ Initiative.

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