
NTPC delivers electrifying performance

NTPC, Indiaโ€™s largest power generating company recorded a generation of 295.4 BU during Apr-Dec 2022, registering a growth of 11.6% compared to the same period, previous year. On a standalone basis, NTPC generated 254.6 BU during Apr-Dec 2022, an increase of 16.1% over the previous year.

The coal plants registered a PLF of 73.7% for 9-months period in FY23, compared to 68.5% in FY22 for the same period. The stellar performance of NTPC is a testimony to the expertise of NTPC engineers, Operation & Maintenance practices, and NTPC systems.

Also, NTPC has portrayed a phenomenal growth in captive coal production by achieving 14.6 MMT of production, registering a growth of 51% vis-ร -vis the previous year for the same period.

NTPC group installed capacity is 70,824 MW. Recently, the company has crossed 3 GW of Renewable capacity.

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