
DISCOMs outstanding dues to GENCOs rise 4% to ₹1,21,765 cr

Total outstanding dues of electricity distribution companies to power producers rose by 4.04% year-on-year to ₹1,21,765 crore in May 2022, according to the official data. DISCOMs owed a total of ₹1,17,026 crore to power generation firms in May 2021, according to portal PRAAPTI (Payment Ratification and Analysis in Power procurement for bringing Transparency in Invoicing of generators).

On a sequential basis too, total dues in May 2022 increased from ₹1,20,954 crore in April 2022. The PRAAPTI portal was launched in May 2018 to bring transparency in power purchase transactions between generators and DISCOMs.

In May 2022, the total overdue amount, which was not cleared even after 45 days of a grace period offered by generators, stood at ₹1,06,902 crore as against ₹94,354 crore in the same month a year ago. The overdue amount stood at ₹1,06,071 crore in April 2022.

Power producers give 45 days to DISCOMs to pay bills for electricity supply. After that, outstanding dues become overdue and generators charge interest on that in most cases.

To give relief to power generation companies (GENCOs), the Centre enforced a payment security mechanism from August 1, 2019. Under this mechanism, DISCOMs are required to open letters of credit for getting power supply.

The Centre had also given some breather to DISCOMs for paying dues to GENCOs in view of the COVID-19-induced lockdown. The government had also waived penal charges for the late payment of dues.

In May 2020, the government had announced a ₹90,000-crore liquidity infusion for DISCOMs under which these utilities got loans at economical rates from Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and REC Ltd. This was a government initiative to help GENCOs remain afloat. Later, the liquidity infusion package was increased to ₹1.2 lakh crore and further to ₹1.35 lakh crore.

DISCOMs in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Tamil Nadu account for the major portion of dues to GENCOs in April, the data showed.

Overdues of independent power producers amounted to 55.86% of the total overdue of ₹1,06,902 crore of DISCOMs. The proportion of central PSU GENCOs in the overdue was 22.35%.

Among the central public sector GENCOs, NTPC alone has an overdue amount of ₹5,072.82 crore, followed by NPCIL – Kundankulam Nuclear Power Plant at ₹3,419.78 crore and DVC at ₹3,398.57 crore in May 2022.

Among private generators, DISCOMs owe the highest overdue amount of ₹25,284.67 crore to Adani Power, followed by KSK Mahanadi Power Company Ltd at ₹5,324.32 crore and Bajaj Group-owned Lalitpur Power Generation Company at ₹5,308.29 crore.

The overdue of renewable energy producers stood at ₹20,127.16 crore in May 2022.

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