
China’s first Gen IV Nuclear Power Plant in commercial operation

In a historic moment for the global nuclear energy landscape, China has officially entered the commercial operation phase of the world’s first nuclear power plant utilising Generation IV (Gen IV) nuclear power technology. The Shidaowan High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Pebble-bed Module (HTR-PM) demonstration project, with Shanghai Electric as a primary equipment supplier, has successfully completed 168 hours of test run, confirming the seamless functioning of all systems.

This milestone solidifies China’s position at the forefront of nuclear energy innovation, underscoring its commitment to exploring safe, reliable, and sustainable power sources as part of its carbon peak and neutrality target.

The high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), considered the fourth-generation nuclear power technology, is praised for its inherent safety and versatility. By harnessing nuclear, heat, mechanical, and electricity power, the HTGR holds significant potential as a commercial alternative to fossil fuel-based energy sources.

Initiated in 2006 and breaking ground in 2012, the Shidaowan HTR-PM project stands among the ranks of China’s major national scientific and technological endeavours, alongside the country’s lunar exploration program and the development of the BeiDou navigation satellite system.

Shanghai Electric, a key participant in the project, played a crucial role by supplying various equipment, including reactor pressure vessels, metallic core internals, control rod drive mechanisms, shutdown systems, turbines, primary helium fans, and helium compressors. Remarkably, 93.4 percent of the equipment used in the reactor is domestically manufactured, showcasing China’s self-reliance in cutting-edge nuclear power technology.

The reactor pressure vessels, custom-designed by Shanghai Electric for the project, set industry records for height and weight, boasting larger sizes and more complex structures than their market counterparts. Another groundbreaking achievement comes in the form of the world’s largest thin-walled metallic core internals, addressing a significant gap in China’s market. Leveraging two decades of expertise, Shanghai Electric developed the world’s first high-temperature, high-pressure, high-power, electromagnetic-bearing primary helium fan.

The HTGR’s exceptional safety features position it as a game-changer in global nuclear power development. Even in the event of a failure of all cooling systems, the reactor remains safe, preventing core meltdown and radioactive material leakage without external intervention.

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