
APML enabled to revise compensation for higher coal price

Adani Power said electricity regulator MERC has passed two orders, which would enable its arm APML to claim revised compensation of higher coal from Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (MSEDCL). Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd (APML) runs 3,300 MW power plant at Tiroda in Maharashtra. Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has announced two consequential orders at the direction of Appellate Tribunal of Electricity (APTEL), regarding appeals filed by the Companyโ€™s wholly owned subsidiary APML.

It further said that with the receipt of the present orders, the APML will now file revised compensation claims with MSEDCL to the extent of clarifications given by APTEL on the technical parameters to be considered in the methodology of computation. The present orders passed by MERC are consequential as per directions given by APTEL to MERC. APML has already received claimed compensation partially from MSEDCL on the basis of MERCโ€™s previous orders.

The APML had filed an appeal with the APTEL challenging certain aspects of the MERCโ€™s order issued on March 7, 2018 regarding compensation under change in law for alternate coal usage on account of shortfall of domestic coal for the period up to March 2017 covered under the New Coal Distribution Policy, for sale of power from its 3,300 MW Supercritical power plant at Tiroda, Maharashtra to MSEDCL.

Similarly, the APML and the MSEDCL had filed cross appeals with the APTEL challenging certain aspects of the MERCโ€™s order issued on February 7, 2019 regarding compensation under change in law for alternate coal usage on account of shortfall of domestic coal for the period April 2017 onwards covered under the SHAKTI policy (Scheme for Harnessing and Allocating Koyala Transparently in India).

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