MT New Diamond carrying over 2,70,000 metric ton crude oil catches fire after couple of explosions in main engine room of the boiler. The explosion took life of a Filipino National. The ship charted by Indian Oil was headed towards Pradip Port in India from Mina Al Ahmadi in Kuwait. It was destined to reach Pradip on Saturday afternoon, but, now the 333-metre-long and 60-metre-wide Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) is stuck 37 Nautical Miles off the Sri Lankan Coast.
As soon as Sri Lankan agencies came to know about the accident, their maritime agencies were pressed in action and Indian authorities were also called for help. The Sri Lankan Air Force was the first responder to the distress signal from MT New Diamond. SLAFโs Beech King B200 Aircraft first reached the location and provided situational updates to the Navy and other stake holders.
The Indian Coast Guards immediately dispatched their ships Sarang, Shaurya, Samudra Paheredar along with Dornier aircraft. All 22 people on board were safely rescued and are now assisting the authorities to avoid any mishap. All efforts are in force to contain the fire from spreading to the cargo oil.
The burning MT New Diamond is seen as a huge threat to the environment and maritime ecosystem in the region. Indian maritime agencies are heading the effort to control the disaster relief. Marine pollution response and containment equipment along with oil spill dispersants have been mobilised by the Indian Coast Guards in event of pollution. The authorities are considering a ship to ship transfer of oil before deciding the course of action after dousing of fire. Although currently there is no report of oil spill, but, a 2-metre-long crack has been observed near the Port aft portion, 10 metres above water line. If the oil spill takes place, it would result in the worst environmental disasters to take place in the world. Sri Lankan authorities are ready to press criminal charges on the shipping company, if any spill occurs.