
Adequate coal availability ensured for thermal power plants

In a statement, the Coal Ministry has asserted that there is no dearth of coal for the Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) in the country. As of July 16, 2023, the thermal power plant end coal stock stands at a robust 33.46 million tonnes (MT), an impressive 28% increase compared to the corresponding period last financial year. This abundance of coal is a significant 34% higher than the stock available last year, totalling 103 MT, encompassing pithead coal stock at mine end, coal in transit, and existing TPP reserves.

The Ministry has been closely coordinating with both Central GENCOs and State GENCOs to ensure a smooth supply chain and quell any concerns about shortages in the power sector. Despite adverse weather conditions and heavy rains, coal production has remained remarkably consistent, with only a negligible impact on output. This feat is largely attributed to meticulous mine-wise planning for the monsoon season, along with the establishment of cemented roads to facilitate uninterrupted evacuation from larger mines.

To further optimize the coal transportation process, nine coal mines have commenced transporting coal to railway sidings through mechanized coal handling plants, streamlining logistics and enhancing overall efficiency. As a result of these strategic measures, coal production from April 1 to July 16, 2023, soared to 258.57 MT, a considerable rise from the 236.69 MT produced during the same period last year.

Contrary to apprehensions, dispatches of coal to the power sector have been timely and ample, with 233 MT supplied as of the mentioned date, compared to 224 MT in the previous year. In fact, the surplus availability of coal has allowed companies to allocate significant quantities to the non-regulated sector during the same period.

Highlighting the disparity between thermal power generation and coal production, the year has seen a 2.04% growth in thermal power generation, whereas coal production has surged by over 9%. This divergence indicates the efficiency and foresight of the coal industry in meeting the nationโ€™s energy needs, bolstering the power sectorโ€™s stability.

Addressing concerns about railway rakes availability, the Ministry of Railways has been proactive in providing adequate rakes for all coal subsidiaries, ensuring seamless transportation and sufficient coal stocks at thermal power plants. This collaborative effort among the Ministries of Coal, Railways, and Power is a testament to the governmentโ€™s commitment to maintaining energy security and uninterrupted power supply across the country.

Moreover, the Coal Ministry has clarified that no power plant has been closed due to coal shortages. Any closures reported must be attributed to other factors unrelated to coal availability, assuaging any fears of energy crisis and disruptions in the power sector.

With the relentless efforts of the government and coal companies, the nation can rest assured that the thermal power plants have access to an abundant supply of coal, keeping the lights on and powering progress in every corner of the country. The concerted planning, coordination, and execution exemplified by this achievement serve as a testament to Indiaโ€™s commitment to providing reliable and sustainable energy for its citizens.

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